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Becoming a Business Coach in 2023 as per Evercoach Co-Founder's Guide

December 06, 20237 min read

Many people mistakenly view life coaches as an interfering relative—always proffering masses of advice that wasn’t asked for.

“True coaching lies foremost in the capacity to coach," clarifies Tommy, co-founder of Evercoach by GhlElite. The clue is indeed in the title.

The real strength of a life coach is rooted in assisting individuals to construct a life that is meaningful and satisfying. So, learning the steps to become a life coach is crucial, particularly in the current era.

To become a life coach, you can follow several key steps while incorporating the valuable knowledge drawn from various sources

Here's an intriguing piece of information: the life coaching industry is expanding at an annual rate exceeding 6.7%. This statistic solidly demonstrates that individuals are investing more in their personal development and seeking the guidance of coaches to achieve their objectives.

However, ardor alone isn't sufficient to ensure prosperity as a life coach. If this is your chosen path, you must establish a robust framework for your coaching enterprise. The following five simple steps can assist you in achieving this feat:

1. Process of Becoming a Life Coach

To become a life coach, follow these critical steps:

Why do you want to do it?

Discover the motivations that drive you toward this career path. It could be a passion for helping others, a desire for flexible working conditions, or the satisfaction of seeing people grow and develop.

Why is it important to you?

Understand the value of this career choice in your life. Does it align with your values and beliefs? Is life coaching a way for you to achieve personal fulfillment or is it about making a difference in others' lives?

Why start now?

Identify the factors making this the right moment to start your life coaching journey. Maybe you’re in a transition period of your own, or you desire a more rewarding career.

Determining your 'why' uncovers your purpose—the North Star guiding you on your journey toward becoming a life coach. It drives you to actively participate in coaching webinars and pursue a life coaching certification.

Moreover, being clear about your purpose fosters the confidence needed to step into the world of life coaching. Knowing your 'why' simplifies the process of taking the leap.

2. Obtain a certification in life coaching

Do any obligatory conditions exist for life coaching? Excellent query. The reality is, there's no compulsory preliminary criteria one must fulfill to become a life coach.

However, it's essential to note, enrolling in and completing a certification program, for instance, the one Evercoach provides, asserts your dedication to professional integrity, honoring established industry standards, and perpetual education. Additionally, it facilitates the following:

  • Acquire Pertinent Knowledge and Skills. Undoubtedly, you may have the inherent abilities and self-assurance associated with coaching. However, clients commonly present a diverse array of issues requiring the proficiency that goes beyond average skills. Getting certified provides budding coaches with the appropriate tools and setting to hone their skills and build confidence. Clients can distinguish between a professional and a beginner, and having proficiency contributes to attracting more clients and fostering lasting relationships.

  • Enhance Professional and Personal Growth. Research shows that coaching aids clients in improving relationships, communication and interpersonal skills, job performance, work-life balance, and personal well-being. There are numerous accounts demonstrating the effectiveness of certification training. Furthermore, it nurtures personal evolution, benefitting not only the clients but the coaches themselves.

  • Adopt a Verified Coaching Methodology. So, what exactly is this? Essentially, it's the coaching techniques utilized to effect transformations for your clients. Frequently, novices in the coaching realm lack a personal methodology or are unsure how to devise one. Hence, a certification curriculum equips them with an existing methodology that's proven to work.

  • Establish Credibility in Your Practice. Certification from a recognized life coaching program, like Evercoach, is akin to an endorsement. It grants you (albeit externally) the affirmation that you've garnered the knowledge and capabilities to assist your clients effectively.

Duration to Become a Life Coach

You might be wondering, "What's the duration to achieve life coach certification?" With the Evercoach program, you can get certified in a span of four months. The curriculum is structured around a four-segment life coaching process. Consequently, during this period, you'll familiarize yourself with every stage, task, experience, tool, and necessary changes to emerge as an adept coach.

Additionally, you'll discover that you can intertwine aspects you're enthusiastic about or excel at into your coaching. For instance, if you're a parent with a specially-abled child, such as one with autism, this can form your specialized area. You can offer coaching to those navigating similar circumstances.


Dr. Amela Mathew, performance coach and author of That Website. Now What?

3. Determine your area of specialization

Having discovered your 'why,' the next step involves determining your target demographic and area of focus—pivotal aspects of your life coaching journey.

While the goal to assist everyone may be commendable, as Tommy articulates, "attempting to help everyone results in helping no one."

Picture a child in a candy store, eager to sample as many treats as possible. In doing so, they lose the focus necessary to genuinely enjoy them.

Hence, while identifying your niche, consider the following:

  • Identify what truly ignites your passion.

  • Consider what skills or talents come effortlessly to you.

  • Establish your desired income level.

According to Tommy, possessing a niche will provide you with a competitive advantage over other coaches. It aids in establishing you as an authority in your field and enhancing your uniqueness.

By defining your niche, you'll be empowered to pinpoint your ideal clients, drawing from your personal experiences and interests.

4. Establish your unique coaching approach

A comprehensive understanding of a coaching certification program equips you with a tested and trusted methodology. Seasoned coaches largely leverage this as a starting point to develop an approach that suits both their and their clients' needs.

You can emulate this—acquire your first clients and practice applying your acumen. Monitor which strategies are effective and which ones aren't.

Analogous to the dynamics of life, your methodology will continuously develop along with your coaching experiences and knowledge acquisition. Persistently refine your approach until you establish a technique that suits you, capable of producing effective outcomes for your clients.

5. Outline your business strategy

Regardless of whether you're pursuing life coaching as a primary career or a side venture, devising a comprehensive business plan is vital.

This roadmap delineates the who, what, where, when, why, and how needed to effectively achieve your desired objectives. On a broader scale, it assists you in picturing the measures necessary to turn your life coaching business aspirations into tangible outcomes.

Principles of Your Business Strategy

Wondering what your master plan should encompass? Here are few fundamental elements to incorporate:

  • Mission. As articulately put by Simon Sinek, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” This implies the significance of your 'why.' Understand the core purpose of your role as a life coach.

  • Vision. Ascertain your impact—how you aim to guide your client towards a significant life transformation. Also, illustrate how you intend to make a difference in the world.

  • Sales and Marketing. There exists myriad ways to publicize your coaching services—social media, word of mouth, advertising, website development, or business card distribution. Figure out the methods that suit you best. If you're unfamiliar with these domains, consider attending sales or marketing training sessions to enhance your skillset.

  • Offers. Decide the frequency of your one-on-one coaching sessions per month. What about online sessions? Would you contemplate conducting coaching groups? Identify the offers that suit both you and your potential clients.

  • Pricing and Income Goals. Determine your session charges. What pricing are you comfortable with? What is your ideal monthly or annual income? Make sure to account for your needs and additional factors such as savings, retirement, loans, and taxes. Lastly, a small piece of advice—once you find your 'comfortable' figure, consider charging a little extra.

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